TransLink Graphic Standards

TransLink needed a new set of graphic standards after 10 years of operation. A new set of guidelines was developed as a blank canvas for corporate branding, to be passed on to agencies undertaking future work. A book about the recent History of TransLink, (see below) and the TransLink website (Site credit Tribal DDB) have been created from the standards as well as various other advertising pieces now on show around the city of Vancouver. 

PI Financial Corporate Identity and Branding System

What does PI stand for? We found out it stands for a lot - Proven. Insight. Performance. Intelligence. Professional. Integrity. Pacific International Securities requested a new brand to introduce their overhauled company to Western Canada and the world. We did a full branding for them, from a new brand voice and logo to website and stationery, company collateral and a corporate brochure featuring custom photography. (photo credit Gregory Crow) Completed while working at Karo Group Inc.

TransLink History Book

A book on the History of TransLink's past 10 years was produced using TransLink's new graphic standards. The book had to convey the energy and drama of dreaming, planning and eventually running a major public transportation system.

PCRE Group Branding and Identity

Pacific Capital Real Estate didn't have an identity. We gave them a fresh presence in the real estate field with a new logo, website and stationery. 


BCRTC Identity and Graphic Standards

British Columbia Rapid Transit Company wanted a fresh identity to differentiate themselves from the various subsidiary branches of TransLink. The logo mark was derived from the idea of a rapid transit train moving fast through the fresh and beautiful BC landscape. 

Vancouver Public Library Website

Vancouver Public Library needed a complete redesign of their website. They needed to connect to their customers and invite them into using all the features available through the site in an easy and friendly way. Completed while working at Karo Group Inc.

Saffron Canada Identity and Website

Saffron Canada needed a brand look that would get potential customers interested in the origins and importation of saffron. A deep sensual red  - the colour of saffron stems - mixed with clean, simple graphics was used to reflect the ancient origins of the spice and its ongoing relevance today. 

AAA Music Group Identity

Identity created for a Vancouver based music production company working with hip hop and r&b artists in California. 

2-Faced Trinkets Identity & Business Card

Identity and business cards created for a vintage-inspired jewelry collection.

Harbourside Village Envisioning Book

A sketchbook for the planning of Harbourside Village was produced for an envisioning session regarding the overview of the potential real estate development. We decided to set up the book like a working sketchbook, to reflect that this project was still in its planning stages and was still open to change. Watercolours were used to stay true to the Marina based lifestyle.